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The 88 Constellations

Here is a list of the 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union.
How many can you find in the sky during the course of a year?

  1. Andromeda: The Princess
  2. Eridanus: The River
  3. Circinus: The Drawing Compass
  4. Cancer: The Crab
  5. Leo Minor: The Lion Cub
  6. Tucana: The Toucan
  7. Pyxis: The Compass Box
  8. Octans: The Octant
  9. Antlia: The Air Pump
  10. Fornax: The Laboratory Furnace
  11. Columba: The Dove
  12. Ophiuchus: The Serpent Holder
  13. Lepus: The Hare
  14. Ursa Major: The Greater Bear
  15. Reticulum: The Net
  16. Canis Major: The Greater Dog
  17. Apus: The Bird of Paradise
  18. Gemini: The Twins
  19. Coma Berenices: Berenice’s Hair
  20. Orion: The Great Hunter
  21. Libra: The Scales
  22. Ursa Minor: The Smaller Bear
  23. Sagittarius: The Archer
  24. Canis Minor: The Smaller Dog
  25. Aquarius: The Water Bearer
  26. Grus: The Crane
  27. Crater: The Cup
  28. Pavo: The Peacock
  29. Lupus: The Wolf
  30. Vela: The Sail
  31. Scutum: The Shield
  32. Corvus: The Crow
  33. Aquila: The Eagle
  34. Hercules: The Mighty Warrior
  35. Scorpius: The Scorpion
  36. Capricornus: The Sea Goat
  37. Lynx: The Lynx
  38. Virgo: The Maiden
  39. Crux: The Southern Cross
  40. Pegasus: The Winged Horse
  41. Ara: The Altar
  42. Horologium: The Clock
  43. Serpens: The Serpent
  44. Carina: The Keel
  1. Lyra: The Lyre
  2. Volvans: The Flying Fish
  3. Cygnus: The Swan
  4. Perseus: The Hero
  5. Aries: The Ram
  6. Hydra: The Water Serpent
  7. Sextans: The Sextant
  8. Cassiopeia: The Seated Queen
  9. Mensa: The Table Mountain
  10. Vulpecula: The Fox
  11. Delphinus: The Dolphin
  12. Phoenix: The Phoenix
  13. Auriga: The Charioteer
  14. Hydrus: The Water Snake
  15. Taurus: The Bull
  16. Centaurus: The Centaur
  17. Microscopium: The Microscope
  18. Indus: The American Indian
  19. Dorado: The Swordfish
  20. Pictor: The Painter’s Easel
  21. Bootes: The Bear Driver
  22. Lacerta: The Lizard
  23. Telescopium: The Telescope
  24. Cepheus: The King
  25. Monoceros: The Unicorn
  26. Leo: The Lion
  27. Draco: The Dragon
  28. Pisces: The Fishes
  29. Caelum: The Sculptor’s Chisel
  30. Corona Australis: The Southern Crown
  31. Triangulum: The Triangle
  32. Cetus: The Whale
  33. Musca: The Fly
  34. Sculptor: The Sculptor’s Workshop
  35. Equuleus: The Foal
  36. Piscis Austrinus: The Southern Fish
  37. Camelopardalis: The Giraffe
  38. Corona Borealis: The Northern Crown
  39. Triangulum Australe: The Southern Triangle
  40. Chamaeleon: The Chameleon
  41. Norma: The Carpenter’s Square
  42. Canes Venatici: The Hunting Dogs
  43. Sagitta: The Arrow
  44. Puppis: The Stern

Find as many as you can, then check your ranking!

1-7: One-Night Searcher
8-23: Nighttime Novice
24-40: Top-Flight Sky Scanner
40-55: Superior Stellar Viewer
56-71: Eagle-Eyed Night-Watcher
72-88: World-Class Star-Spotter