Barking Treefrog

Hyla gratiosa

The barking treefrog (Hyla gratiosa) is the largest treefrog in the state, reaching lengths of over 2.5 inches! The color and pattern of barking treefrogs is highly variable. The typical coloration is green with dark circles on the back, a white belly, and large toe pads. The skin appearance is granular or slightly bumpy.

Barking treefrogs can be found in sandy habitats with shallow, permanent bodies of water. They are arboreal and can be found in treetops during warm weather. However, if the weather is too hot or dry, barking treefrogs will burrow underground.

Barking treefrogs breed during the late spring and summer. Males gather around permanent, shallow ponds and produce a breeding call, which sounds like a dog barking. Females deposit the eggs one at a time on the bottom of the pond. They may lay as many as 2000 eggs! After hatching, the tadpole stage may last between one and two months. Newly morphed froglets are between .5 to .75 inches long.

The barking treefrog is listed as State Threatened in Virginia. It has only been found in five counties in the state.

Barking Treefrog information from the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries