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Critter Corner

Bobcat playtime!

All of the animals here at The Virginia Living Museum are here because they are unable to survive in the wild.  For various reasons, they have been determined to be non-releasable.  Because of this, in order for them to be content as captive ambassadors for…

Heron gone and back again!

This past summer, during one of the storms that came through, one of our Black Crowned Night Heron Chicks had to be pulled out for some extra care after he fell out of one of the trees in our outdoor coastal plains aviary. Animal care…

Opossum Spa Day

One of our program opossums has some issues with her skin. Because of this, every so often she has to have a ketochlor bath to improve her skin condition. She doesn’t seem to mind too much, thank goodness.

Wolf in the den

This morning I was cleaning the bobcat’s den and I found a house guest who was staying with the bobcat. During the warmer weather, giant wolf spiders will seek out cool shady areas to get away from the heat. Wolf spiders are so called because…

Shower time!

On really warm days, we will occasionally run sprinklers to help keep the critters cool in the heat and humidity. Here, 2 of our does are checking out the sprinkler I set up outside their exhibit. Splish splash!

Return of the ‘Coons

A couple of days ago, the raccoons were returned to their exhibit after some minor flooding during one of the recent storms. Often, when these strong storms come through our area, the raccoons are pulled from their exhibit because it’s so close to the lake….


Yesterday, when I was feeding the birds in our mountain cove habitarium, I was greeted by one of our residents. This mourning dove came to us from someone locally who needed to place him because he was imprinted. He’s very fond of supervising us when…

Oh, Deer! Don’t fawn over me…

In addition to baby birds leaving the nest, this is also the time of year that deer fawns are being born. Every once in awhile we will get a call about an “orphaned” deer fawn.  Mother deer will stay away from her fawn for most…