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Growing Wild

The Bee ByWay

You may notice several new flower beds from Huntington Park to Newport News Park. They are positioned between Warwick Blvd and the James River in both private and public green spaces. This change is part of a project of the community-based team of kids called…

Plant of the month- April

April’s plant of the month is wild columbine (Aquilegia canadensis). Wild columbine has rocket shaped red and yellow flowers blooming from April through June  attracting bees, butterflies, hawk moths, and hummingbirds. It is the larval host for the Columbine Duskywing butterfly. Growing in part shade…

Plant of the month

The plant of the month for March is Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica).  In late winter, grass like green leaves begin to emerge from a tuber, which resembles a potato referred to by some as fairy spuds. This spring ephemeral starts blooming in March as a…

Fall is the perfect time to plant

September 15, 2016 After struggling through the heat and drought of summer, fall offers the perfect conditions for planting. Cooler temperatures and increased rainfall are beneficial for your new plantings and more pleasant for gardening. So now is the perfect time to start thinking about…