December 11th
Star of Wonder
Time: 11am-11:30am
Participants: recommended for ages 11 and up
Description: Explore the skies of over 2000 years ago as we use our modern scientific understanding to help us identify what the Star of Bethlehem might have been. Includes a discussion of the winter evening sky.
Child planetarium show and museum admission: $10.50 (Member)/$15.00 (Non-Member)
Adult planetarium show and museum admission: Free (Member)/$18.00 (Non-Member)
[su_button url=”https://2398.blackbaudhosting.com/2398/Homeschool-Day-Star-of-Wonder” target=”blank” background=”#008c7e”]Star of Wonder tickets[/su_button]
Picture This
Time: 10am-10:45am
Participants: Recommended for ages 6 and up
Description: Is that a feather, a piece of fur, or some weird alien art display? When seen up close, items can be hard to distinguish from one another. Get ready to put your thinking caps on in this fun activity that will have you guessing the identity of some up close pictures. Explore some of our non-living biofacts, as well as some animal ambassadors, during this interactive activity time.
Child classroom program and museum admission: $10.50 (Member)/$15.00 (Non-Member)
Adult museum admission: Free (Member)/$18.00 (Non-Member)
[su_button url=”https://2398.blackbaudhosting.com/2398/Homeschool-Day-Picture-This” target=”blank” background=”#008c7e”]Picture This tickets[/su_button]
Exploring the Non-Living
Time: 1pm-2:30pm
Participants: recommended for ages 8 and up
Description: While the Virginia Living Museum is known for its amazing animals, we are also home to a large collection of non-living biofacts. Come explore the non-living side of the museum on this special collections tour that will introduce you to the many bones, furs, minerals, and displays that help further education on Virginia’s natural science.
Child lab program and admission: $12.50 (Member)/$17.00 (Non-Member)
Adult museum admission: Free (Member)/$18.00 (Non-Member)
[su_button url=”https://2398.blackbaudhosting.com/2398/Homeschool-Day-Exploring-the-Non-Living” target=”blank” background=”#008c7e”]Exploring the Non-Living tickets[/su_button]