Shark Zone


May 11th    
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Event Type

Enter an indoor gallery through a massive shark jaw tunnel to experience a unique and never before seen Shark Zone Exhibit, created by the Virginia Living Museum.  Enjoy the wonders of our vast oceans and learn more about our friends in the deep blue sea.

  • TOUR an amazing gallery of photos by National Geographic photographer, Brian Skerry and full scale replicas of 6 shark species!
  • TOUCH live catsharks and skates in an 8 foot chilled, saltwater tank!
  • TRACK a shark as it travels the ocean in real-time and enter Fossil Beach to dig for shark teeth!

Enter a shark cage and come face-to-face with a full-size great white shark replica. Witness a spectacular grouping of over 35 (3×4 feet) photographs of sharks in the world’s oceans: photographed by award winning National Geographic photographer, Brian Skerry.

Step outside to a Fossil Beach and dig in a pit for real fossil shark teeth and learn to identify the type of shark they came from.

Learn from a computer kiosk and track over 20 tagged Great White Shark locations in the world’s oceans and explore educational websites with shark themed games and quizzes. View a large monitor of dramatic underwater video footage by award winning photographer Brian Skerry.

Learn more here.