The Coastal Plain Aviary is temporarily closed. 

Planets Are Moving…

Hey folks! Interested in checking out some planets?  Well, I hope you like getting up very early in the morning, because that’s what you’ll need to do in order see any planets during the month of March. Right now, there are no planets visible in the early evening skies.  But the sky makes up for […]

It’s Been a Long Time Since I Rock and Rolled

Hey folks!  I’m back! At least, I’m trying to be back.  COVID has really played havoc with us, hasn’t it?  But I’m still doing my best here at the Abbitt Planetarium. I hope to be able to return to at least monthly updates of this blog.  So bear with me please as I try to […]


Starturday Night LIVE

So…I take terrible selfies. It may be because I never like pictures of myself.  At all.  And selfies don’t seem to be easy to take for me.  I just never seem to get the angle right.  Even though I can literally see myself at the time.  No matter what I do, every selfie I’ve ever […]

Everything Old is New Again

Starturday Night LIVE

Happy New Year! Well, here we are in 2021.  After a very strange and sometimes difficult 2020, it’s nice to have the chance to start again.  The situation may be the same, but maybe we can approach it with a new outlook now.  Sometimes, you just need to reset and start again. We’re kind of […]

I’m Only Happy When It Rains (Meteors)

Starturday Night LIVE

Well, strictly, that’s not true.  I’m generally a pretty happy person.  Although, I’ve got to admit, 2020 is really testing my optimism to the limit.  Anyone else out there starting to experience severe hug deprivation? But…good news for us…the peak of the Leonid Meteor Shower is coming!  The Leonids is one of three “don’t miss […]

Whatever Gets You Through the Night

Starturday Night LIVE

Hey everyone!  I’m excited to share some great news with you! While we still do not consider it safe to resume in-person stargazing events, we have decided to try to bring some stargazing to you where you are!  This Saturday, October 10, will be our first virtual stargazing event! We are still learning and experimenting […]

Cosmic Strings ALERT: Comet NEOWISE

Holy cow, people!  We’ve got a comet! 2020 has been a pretty tough year.  So much stuff has happened…too much.  I’ve not had anything good to say about 2020. Until now. It’s been a long time since the northern hemisphere has had a naked-eye visible comet in the sky.  Not since the late 90s and […]

At this time, the Virginia Living Museum will open at noon February 20th

Be safe and stay warm!