The Coastal Plain Aviary is temporarily closed. 

Earth Day Bingo

April 16, 2020

In one week, it will not be just Earth Day… but the 50th Earth Day Celebration in the US! The history of its beginnings and details about our Virtual Earth Day Festival can be found here.

As a challenge for all of us to make more sustainable choices, we created our own Earth Day Bingo card. Play right now and see how you do. Can you commit to some things you were not able to cross off? Play again on April 22nd and compare! Be sure to post and tag us on:

@virginialivingmuseum      @valivingmuseum     @VLMuseum

The Virginia Living Museum will open at 9am and close at 1pm with no admissions being accepted after 12pm. The trail will be closed all day tomorrow to allow for ice preparation. Tickets will be discounted.

Be safe and stay warm!