The Coastal Plain Aviary is temporarily closed. 


The Virginia Living Museum is home to more than 250 species of animals and plants found throughout Virginia including reptiles, mammals, birds and fish. With its rivers and waterfalls, mountains and sandy coast, Virginia has an array of wildlife ranging from the extremely rare red wolf to jellyfish. The Chesapeake Bay is the world’s richest marine-life estuary. Experience the Bay’s diversity year round at the VLM. Plus explore the underwater worlds of a steamy cypress swamp and a cool mountain stream. Most of the mammals and birds on exhibit could not survive in the wild because they were either injured, orphaned or born in captivity.

Other Native Virginia Animals

American Alligator

Scientific Name: Alligator mississippiensis

American Eel

Scientific Name: Anguilla rostrata

American Red Wolf

Scientific Name: Canis Rufus

Bald eagle

Scientific Name: Haliaeetus leucocephalus

Barking Treefrog

Scientific Name: Hyla gratiosa


Scientific Name: Castor Canadensis

Big Brown Bat

Scientific Name: Eptesicus fuscus


Scientific Name: Lynx Rufus

Brown Pelican

Scientific Name: Pelecanus occidentalis

Common Mudpuppy

Scientific Name: Necturus maculosus


Scientific Name: Coyotl

Eastern Chipmunk

Scientific Name: Tamias striatus

Eastern Cottonmouth

Scientific Name: Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus

Eastern Glass Lizard

Scientific Name: Ophisaurus ventralis

Eastern Hellbender

Scientific Name: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis alleganiensis

Eastern Screech Owl

Scientific Name: Megascops asio

Eastern Tiger Salamander

Scientific Name: Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum

Flying Squirrel

Scientific Name: Pteromyini

Greater Siren

Scientific Name: Siren lacertina


Scientific Name: Marmota monax

House Mouse

Scientific Name: Mus musculus

Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Scientific Name: Caretta caretta

Northern River Otter

Scientific Name: Lontra canadensis


Scientific Name: Didelphidae

Allegheny woodrat

Scientific Name: Neotoma magister


Scientific Name: Procyon lotor

Red and Gray Foxes

Scientific Name: Vulpes vulpes

Lined Seahorse

Scientific Name: Hippocampus erectus


Scientific Name: Caridea

Striped Skunk

Scientific Name: Mephitis mephitis

Common Snapping Turtle

Scientific Name: Chelydra serpentina

Spotted Turtle

Scientific Name: Clemmys guttata

Timber Rattlesnake

Scientific Name: Crotalus horridus


Scientific Name: Cathartes

White-tailed Deer

Scientific Name: Odocoileus virginianus

Wild Turkey

Scientific Name: Meleagris gallapavo

Wood Frog

Scientific Name: Rana sylvatica

Wood Turtle

Scientific Name: Clemmys insculpta

Atlantic Croaker

Scientific Name: Micropogonias undulates


Scientific Name: Leiostomus xanthurus

Red Drum

Scientific Name: Sciaenops ocellatus

Black Drum

Scientific Name: Pogonias cromis

Sandbar shark

Scientific Name: Carcharhinus plumbeus


Scientific Name: Selene vomer


Scientific Name: Chaetodon faber


Scientific Name: Pomatomus saltatrix

Crevalle Jack

Scientific Name: Caranx hippos


Scientific Name: Rachycentron canadum


Scientific Name: Mycteroperca microlepis

Grey Snapper

Scientific Name: Lutjanus griseus