We invite you to take an even greater role in advancing the Virginia Living Museum’s mission! Gifts of all types are greatly appreciated. The Museum is a non-profit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
You can help support the Virginia Living Museum and honor your loved ones with a plaque on a piling along the Museum’s boardwalk or a personalized Brass Entrance Paver along the Museum’s entrance walkway. Your gift will help the Museum reach its fund-raising goals and your support will be seen by thousands of guests every year. Both pilings and pavers are tax deductible.
$1,000 each
Can be given in honor or in memory of someone. Please allow up to 10 weeks for installation.
Donate now with our Online Donation Form:
You may also use our printable donation forms:
Help Us Help Our Animals!
Gift in kind donations help the Museum expand resources to provide the best care for resident ambassador animals. Below are the wish lists of our Animal Welfare teams:
Ectotherms (Reptiles, Aquatics, Insects) Wishlist
Birds and Mammals Wishlist
Ambassador Animal Wishlist
Administration Wishlist
More Information
For more information call 757-595-1900 ext. 281 or email the Advancement Office.
The Virginia Living Museum is a public non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (54-6055922). Your contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Please consult your tax advisor for further information.
Museum financial information is available by written request to the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.