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American Adventure

Do you have what it takes to survive? Take a step back into history to find out. In 1607, settlers landed on the shores of Virginia and called it home, creating the first permanent European settlement. Little did they know that less than half of them would survive the year in this new wilderness. Minotaur Mazes’ American Adventure takes visitors on an immersive, educational role-play adventure that asks people to conquer one great challenge: survive the year as one of the original Jamestown colonists. Sound easy? Think again. Only 38 of the 104 settlers survived. But don’t worry – you’re not tied to their destiny. You can beat the odds and determine your fate – it all depends on the choices you make…and a bit of luck.

Blending historical accuracy and the complexities of real life and death decisions, American Adventure delivers a truly unique and effective learning experience. Visitors choose a unique identity of one the Jamestown colonists and track a series of life choices on an easy to use abacus representing “life points” for health, wealth, food, and morale. You have to maintain all of them to “survive” the exhibit. Visitors will encounter four content-rich “Season Galleries” and engage in hands-on activities that result in choices relevant to their character. Survival is based on visitor knowledge and ingenuity but also the abilities and priorities of chosen identity. The American Adventure experience quickly reveals the reality of what Jamestown’s settlers faced, but also how everyday decisions and interactions with the environment can be a matter of life and death. Even if you don’t survive, try again! There’s a new adventure every time you enter the exhibit!

American Adventure

Trout Feeding

Snapping Turtle Feeding

Vulture Enrichment

Enrichment activities are designed to elicit natural behaviors: to encourage the animals to forage and work for their food, patrol their territory on the lookout for other animals, and just be more active in general.

Skies of Jamestown

Explore the role played by astronomy in the journey to and survival in the New World. Hear from the colonists themselves. Learn the dangers and the tools used to navigate across the Atlantic.

Skies of Jamestown photo

Horseshoe Crab Feeding