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Butterfly Haven

Butterfly Haven

Guests will experience the beauty of the seasonal BUTTERFLY HAVEN, a 14′ wide x 10′ tall x 14′ long butterfly enclosure located alongside the Virginia Garden just outside the Wason Education Center.

The exciting new exhibit will engage guests of all ages as they immerse themselves in a world of butterflies and plants!

The house will support the Museum’s conservation efforts to preserve pollinating species such as the Monarch Butterfly. The initiative also supports education and awareness for the challenged annual Monarch butterfly migration due to deforestation in Mexico, extreme climate fluctuations in North America, and the growth of herbicide-based agriculture destroying crucial milkweed flora in the Midwest.

Cost: included in museum admission





Butterfly Bonanza

Time: 11am-3pm

Location: entire museum

Cost: included in admission

Come explore the Butterfly Haven one last time before it closes for the season! Learn about butterflies with museum specimens, make your very own butterfly bookmark or origami butterfly, and maybe even witness a butterfly release!