Wolf Awareness Week

Wolf Awareness Week


October 15th    
1:00 pm - 1:15 pm

Event Type

Wolf Awareness Week

Come howl with the Virginia Living Museum’s red wolves during National Wolf Awareness Week. The week is designed to dispel misconceptions about wolves and to teach about the important role these predators play in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Watch the VLM’s wolves receive special enrichment activities at 1 p.m. See and touch a wolf pelt and tracking collar. “As one of the top predators in the wild, wolves are very intelligent animals that engage in high levels of activity while tracking and hunting prey, guarding their territory, and socializing with each other. In order to enhance the well-being and care of our wolves at the museum, we offer a variety of enrichment that provides mental stimulation and encourages positive activity,” says Animal Keeper Carrie Bridgman. Included in museum admission.

Cost: VLM members free, non-members Museum admission $20 adults, $15 children ages 3-12.